
Want to work with AMAZING CATS and MAKE AN IMPACT?

If you love cats and want to make a difference in their lives, Tabby’s Place has an amazing opportunity for you!

Volunteers play a critical role in carrying out our mission—saving cats from hopeless situations—by providing care for our 100+ cats.
From cleaning to feeding to delivering tender affection, volunteers make a huge impact on our cats’ lives.
Volunteers help Tabby’s Place spend the donations we receive where it matters—on the felines!

If you have a heart for cats, we have a role perfectly fit for you at Tabby’s Place.

We’d Love to Have You Join Our Tabby’s Place Family:  Complete An Application Today! 


What kinds of cats are here?

Tabby’s Place is home to:

  • Newborn kittens
  • Healthy, highly adoptable cats
  • Senior cats, such as Tux or Grecca
  • Special needs cats, such as Pepita or Anka
  • Cats with behavior issues, such as Gator

What can I do as a volunteer?

Are there age requirements?

You must be 12 years old to volunteer

For children under 16:

  1. An application must be submitted for both the child and the parent/guardian
  2. Both parent/guardian and child must complete the orientation
  3. Parent or guardian must accompany the child for all volunteer activities

Children from 5 to 15 can apply for our Paws to Read reading program, where children read to the cats. The cats love this and the children develop as better readers by practicing their reading in a safe setting

How much time do I have to commit?

You will be required to make a regular commitment (once a week or twice a month, for example)

Shifts are typically 2 or 3 hours long

What are the benefits to me?

Volunteering builds a sense of community, bringing you together with others for a common cause:  to help cats who would otherwise be in hopeless situations. You will meet new people, volunteer alongside other cat lovers, and make a significant impact on the lives of Tabby’s Place furry babies.

You can fulfill volunteer hours needed for school or community service

You will gain tremendous personal satisfaction

What are the benefits to Tabby’s Place?

The Tabby’s Place Volunteer Program is a crucial part of Tabby’s Place. Because we are a non-profit, we depend on people donating their time, money, and other resources for our successful operation. While money is obviously essential, time is also of the utmost importance, as there is never enough to accomplish all that we want to do for the cats.This is where you, as a volunteer, come in, as you will:

  • Help us save money by allowing employees to perform other tasks. As you can guess, there is always more work to do than employees to do the work.
  • Allow the cats to receive more attention, interaction, and socialization. Because cleaning, disinfecting, and providing crucial medical care for the cats is our first priority, employees find it difficult to spend quality time with the cats. Many of our cats need socialization, which not only makes the cats easier to handle but increases their potential for adoption.

Do the volunteers like it?

“Tabby’s Place makes my heart sing! As a volunteer and board member for many years, I have witnessed firsthand the labor of love that takes place at Tabby’s Place.”

“I have been a volunteer and foster mom for 9 years. Tabby’s Place puts the well-being of cats first and foremost. Cats with special needs get a chance to live a long happy life.”

“I have volunteered for over 16 years. This is a wonderful caring place for cats, where a small staff and volunteers keep the place running. Cats live in suites, not cages. My story is simple—consistent great experiences with cats when I arrive for my shift. This is a super place.”

“I have been volunteering at Tabby’s Place for over 10 years. It is the most wonderful, happy place. The cats are cherished and the people are loved and appreciated by humans and felines alike. I have worked in almost all of the volunteer jobs that are available.”

“I served as a volunteer at Tabby’s Place and it was always so fulfilling and fun. The people who run Tabby’s Place are kind and welcoming of everyone. And of course, the cats are amazing.”

“Tabby’s Place is my favorite place in the world. It is a sanctuary for both cats and humans. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, and probably will ever have. I feel valued and supported every day, and I know no other sanctuary can compare to the care and love that is given to the cats.”

Read more comments on Great Non-profits

How do I become a volunteer?

Just fill out an application and you’ll be on your way.

Have questions? Contact our Volunteer Director, Karina at kj@tabbysplace.org or at 908-237-5300 x605.